Wednesday, November 13, 2013

OBA Annual Meeting

One of my favorite times to be a lawyer is when I get a chance to get together and learn about the developments in the law with other Oklahoma lawyers. The people that are here for the continuing legal education (CLE) classes are the laywers that are developing the future of the practice of law.

This morning I am sitting in the second session of the Technology Track CLE, and listening to Jim Calloway talk about law practice marketing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Income Calculation Word Problems - Child Support

Hey, I wasn't very excited about math when I was in school. What a loss, because there is so much that math can describe. Of course, in my business the math I use is mostly arithmetic - when I am calculating income for child support. 

Here are two word problems.

Johnny's Problem

Johnny works at the race track as a cashier. He makes $ 14 per hour, and has worked 72, 80, and 74 hours during the last three pay periods. He is paid biweekly and doesn't have any benefits. He also served in the military, and has a military disability rating, so he receives $ 340.00 per month in Veterans Administration Benefits. What is his average gross monthly income?

Katie's Problem

Katie is a stay-at-home mom but she has a business on the side. She makes bows for cheerleaders and does some tailoring for clients across the Oklahoma City Metro with the assistance of two part-time employees.  She had been doing this for two and half years, and for the past year she grossed $ 45,800 and the year before $ 38,700. Her expenses have been the same for each year, at $ 12,000 in wages and employee related expenses, and $ 2,500 in materials, telephone and home office supplies. She also wrote off $ 600.00 in depreciation for each year on her taxes. She is married, and her husband, a police officer, makes $ 36,000 a year.  What is her average gross monthly income?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November/December Uncontested Docket

The Civil Uncontested Dockets for November and December are out for this month at the Cleveland County Courthouse. If you are wanting to set a Motion to Confirm Sheriff Sale, Hearing on Assets, Contempt Hearings, Pauper's Affidavit for costs and filing fees, Name Changes, Application for Issuance of Title, Application for Issuance of ID cards, or waivers of any type, these are the dates that are available.

Judge Schumacher 1:3opm Courtroom 4D

November 12th, 2013
November 19th, 2013
December 3rd, 2013
December 10th, 2013
December 17th, 2013
December 31st, 2013
*These dates are subject to change if the judge is unavailable.

Judge Walkley 1:30PM Courtroom 4A

November 14th, 2013
November 21st, 2013
December 5th, 2013
December 12th, 2013
December 19th, 2013
*These dates are subject to change if the judge is unavailable.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Flow of Child Support : The Back End

What does a child support computation look like from the back end? A lot like the array of sticky notes on the table in the picture to the right.

In Oklahoma, we have child support guidelines that tell us how to do the math to figure child support. These guidelines are just legal rules on what numbers we put in and how we put them together to figure child support.

For a taste of the guidelines you can review Section 118, 118a-i, and 119. Of course, the guidelines are just rules for what math to use, what really matters is the numbers that we put into them. These input numbers are what we lawyers spend most of the time fighting about.

We will be looking in later posts about how to calculate income and expenses related to child support, but I thought we could start with the computation itself.  You can see the mechanics more clearly in the flow chart below, just click on it to enlarge.
Child Support Flow Chart
Child Support:A Flow Chart